It’s Rainy Season! Is Your Roof Prepared?Back to main gallery

Rainy season is tough on roofs. Even if your roof survived the cold of the winter and the heat of the summer, it can still struggle with the effects of rainy season. To maintain your roof and protect it this rainy season, read on for tips and tricks.

Rain on Roof

The first tip to protect your roof this rainy season is cleaning your gutters and drains. Your gutters and drains can clog up with leaves and debris throughout the year. When rainy season hits, your gutters and drains can overflow. If this happens, the foundation of your home risks damage. Also, your roof can experience extra strain. Clogged drains and gutters can even attract mosquitoes, so be sure to clean your gutters out before the rain hits to prevent these problems.

Next, educate yourself about lighting protection. With rain comes lightning. You want your roof to be protected in case it is struck by lightning. Lightning protection is available for many different types of roofs, including your home’s residential roof.

Heavy rain brings moisture, and moisture brings mold. Mold growth can take a toll on your roof and create an unsafe environment. To avoid structural damages, remove mold as it forms and take the steps to reduce moisture collection on your roof.

If your roof has any holes or cavities, these compartments can become home to birds, bugs, cats, and raccoons. A roof is not a proper home for any of these creatures, so fill these holes to prevent any animals from moving in.

During rainy season, maintenance and service teams are very busy due to the rain and the damage it can cause to roofs. To receive the help you need, get in touch with Sutter Roofing. You can get in touch with us by calling our Sarasota office at 800-741-0090. We also have Orlando, West Palm Beach, Tampa, Fort Myers, and Jacksonville locations.

Sutter Corporate Headquarters

8284 Vico Court | Sarasota, FL 34240
(800) 741-0090
(941) 377-1000
(941) 377-4499 (fax)
License #: CCC1336225