Testimonial 6Back to main gallery

I wanted to thank you, Sutter Roofing for working with us on this project. This roof project was one of, if not the smoothest project that I’ve had the pleasure to be involved with in my 24 years of being a professional. One of the biggest reasons for this was the professionalism of your associates. Everything Sutter Roofing said they would do, was in fact – DONE! On many occasions your team went above and beyond the scope of work because they thought it was the right thing to do and that we would appreciate their efforts. We did of course appreciate their efforts. One of the qualities of your team that impressed me the most was the how courteous they were. The Sutter Roofing team was so pleasant to all of our SYSCO associates and respected our property as well. Phrases such as “Yes Sir”, “Please” and “Thank You” were heard very often.

To summarize Doug, this project was a success because of our communication, dedication, professionalism and commitment to hard work. Your team did an outstanding job and respected us, our facility and the task at hand. I thoroughly enjoyed working with you and your team and look forward to doing so again.

— Bob Segrave

Sutter Corporate Headquarters

8284 Vico Court | Sarasota, FL 34240
(800) 741-0090
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