Testimonial 7Back to main gallery

“Sutter Roofing literally put a roof over our heads. We had an area of flat roof that had been giving us problems for years. We tried patches and repairs, but nothing worked. Finally, one rainy weekend was the last straw for the roof.  A repair or patch wasn’t going to cut it anymore. We needed to replace the entire section of the roof. Sutter Roofing donated their time and labor to repair and replace the damaged roof. For us that meant several thousand dollars could remain focused on providing life changing programs to the women of our community and that means something.  We are grateful for their generosity and the spirit of community involvement they demonstrate as a company.”

Ashley Brown, Executive Director of Women’s Resource Center of Manatee

Sutter Corporate Headquarters

8284 Vico Court | Sarasota, FL 34240
(800) 741-0090
(941) 377-1000
(941) 377-4499 (fax)
License #: CCC1336225